- class able.BluetoothDispatcher(queue_timeout: float = 0.5, enable_ble_code: int = 43806, runtime_permissions: Optional[list[str]] = None)[source]#
Bluetooth Low Energy interface
- Parameters
queue_timeout – BLE operations queue timeout
enable_ble_code – request code to identify activity that alows user to turn on Bluetooth adapter
runtime_permissions – overridden list of
to be requested on runtime.
- property adapter: Optional[android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter]#
Local device Bluetooth adapter. Could be None if adapter is not enabled or access to the adapter is not granted yet.
- property bonded_devices#
List of Java android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice objects of paired BLE devices.
- Type
- close_gatt()#
Close current GATT client
- connect_by_device_address(address: str)#
Connect to GATT Server of the device with a given Bluetooth hardware address, without scanning.
- Parameters
address – Bluetooth hardware address string in “XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX” format
- Raises
ValueError: if address is not a valid Bluetooth address
- connect_gatt(device)#
Connect to GATT Server hosted by device
- discover_services()#
Discovers services offered by a remote device. The status of the discovery reported with
event.- Returns
true, if the remote services discovery has been started
- enable_notifications(characteristic, enable=True, indication=False)#
Enable/disable notifications or indications for a given characteristic
- Parameters
characteristic – BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java object
enable – enable notifications if True, else disable notifications
indication – handle indications instead of notifications
- Returns
True, if the operation was initiated successfully
- property gatt#
GATT profile of the connected device
- Type
BluetoothGatt Java object
- property name#
Name of the Bluetooth adapter.
- Setter
Set name of the Bluetooth adapter
- Type
- on_characteristic_changed(characteristic)#
characteristic_changed event handler
- Parameters
characteristic – BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java object
- on_characteristic_read(characteristic, status)#
characteristic_read event handler
- Parameters
characteristic – BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java object
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- on_characteristic_write(characteristic, status)#
characteristic_write event handler
- Parameters
characteristic – BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java object
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- on_connection_state_change(status, state)#
connection_state_change event handler
- Parameters
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- on_descriptor_read(descriptor, status)#
descriptor_read event handler
- Parameters
descriptor – BluetoothGattDescriptor Java object
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- on_descriptor_write(descriptor, status)#
descriptor_write event handler
- Parameters
descriptor – BluetoothGattDescriptor Java object
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- on_device(device, rssi, advertisement)#
device event handler. Event is dispatched when device is found during a scan.
- Parameters
device – BluetoothDevice Java object
rssi – the RSSI value for the remote device
advertisement –
data record
- on_error(msg)#
Error handler
- Parameters
msg – error message
- on_gatt_release()#
gatt_release event handler. Event is dispatched at every read/write completed operation
- on_mtu_changed(mtu, status)#
onMtuChanged event handler Event is dispatched when MTU for a remote device has changed, reporting a new MTU size.
- Parameters
mtu – integer containing the new MTU size
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the MTU has been changed successfully
- on_rssi_updated(rssi, status)#
onReadRemoteRssi event handler. Event is dispatched at every RSSI update completed operation, reporting a RSSI value for a remote device connection.
- Parameters
rssi – integer containing RSSI value in dBm
status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- on_scan_completed()#
scan_completed event handler
- on_scan_started(success)#
scan_started event handler
- Parameters
success – true, if scan was started successfully
- on_services(services, status)#
services event handler
- Parameters
services –
dict filled with discovered characteristics (BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java objects)status – status of the operation, GATT_SUCCESS if the operation succeeds
- read_characteristic(characteristic)#
Read a given characteristic from the associated remote device
- Parameters
characteristic – BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java object
- request_mtu(mtu: int)#
Request to change the ATT Maximum Transmission Unit value
- Parameters
value – new MTU size
- set_queue_timeout(timeout)#
Change the BLE operations queue timeout
- start_scan(filters: Optional[List[able.filters.Filter]] = None, settings: Optional[able.scan_settings.ScanSettingsBuilder] = None)#
Start a scan for devices. The status of the scan start are reported with
event.- Parameters
filters – list of filters to restrict scan results. Advertising record is considered matching the filters if it matches any of the
in the list.settings – scan settings
- stop_scan()#
Stop the ongoing scan for devices.
- update_rssi()#
Triggers an update for the RSSI from the associated remote device
- write_characteristic(characteristic, value, write_type: Optional[able.WriteType] = None)#
Write a given characteristic value to the associated remote device
- Parameters
characteristic – BluetoothGattCharacteristic Java object
value – value to write
write_type – specific write type to set for the characteristic
- write_descriptor(descriptor, value)#
Set and write the value of a given descriptor to the associated remote device
- Parameters
descriptor – BluetoothGattDescriptor Java object
value – value to write
- able.require_bluetooth_enabled(method)[source]#
Decorator to call BluetoothDispatcher method when runtime permissions are granted and Bluetooth adapter becomes ready.
Decorator launches system activities that allows the user to grant runtime permissions and turn on Bluetooth, if Bluetooth is not enabled.
- class able.Advertisement(data)[source]#
Advertisement data record parser
>>> ad = Advertisement([2, 1, 0x6, 6, 255, 82, 83, 95, 82, 48]) >>> for data in ad: ... data AD(ad_type=1, data=bytearray(b'\x06')) AD(ad_type=255, data=bytearray(b'RS_R0')) >>> list(ad)[0].ad_type == Advertisement.ad_types.flags True
- class ad_types[source]#
Assigned numbers for some of advertisement data types.
flags : “Flags” (0x01)
complete_local_name : “Complete Local Name” (0x09)
service_data : “Service Data” (0x16)
manufacturer_specific_data : “Manufacturer Specific Data” (0xff)
- able.GATT_SUCCESS = 0#
GATT operation completed successfully
The profile is in connected state
The profile is in disconnected state
Before executing, all BluetoothDispatcher
methods that requires Bluetooth adapter
(start_scan, connect_by_device_address, enable_notifications, adapter property …),
are asking the user to:
grant runtime permissions,
turn on Bluetooth adapter.
The list of requested runtime permissions varies depending on the level of the target Android API level:
target API level <=30: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - to obtain BLE scan results
target API level >= 31:
BLUETOOTH_CONNECT - to enable adapter and to connect to devices
BLUETOOTH_SCAN - to start the scan
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - to detect beacons during the scan
BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE - to be able to advertise to nearby Bluetooth devices
Requested permissions list can be changed with the BluetoothDispatcher.runtime_permissions parameter.
- class able.Permission[source]#
String constants values for BLE-related permissions. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission
- BLUETOOTH_SCAN = 'android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN'#
Scan settings#
BLE scanning settings.
- class able.scan_settings.ScanSettingsBuilder[source]#
PyJNIus wrapper for Java class android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings.Builder. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/ScanSettings.Builder
- class able.scan_settings.ScanSettings[source]#
PyJNIus wrapper for Java class android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/ScanSettings
>>> settings = ScanSettingsBuilder() \
... .setMatchMode(ScanSettings.MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE) \
... .setCallbackType(
... )
Scan filters#
BLE scanning filters, wrappers for Java class android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter.Builder https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/ScanFilter.Builder
- class able.filters.Filter[source]#
Base class for BLE scanning fiters.
>>> # Filters of different kinds could be ANDed to set multiple conditions. >>> # Both device name and address required: >>> combined_filter = DeviceNameFilter("Example") & DeviceAddressFilter("01:02:03:AB:CD:EF")
>>> DeviceNameFilter("Example1") & DeviceNameFilter("Example2") Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: cannot combine filters of the same type
- class able.filters.EmptyFilter[source]#
Filter with no restrictions.
- class able.filters.DeviceAddressFilter(address: str)[source]#
Set filter on device address. Uses Java method ScanFilter.Builder.setDeviceAddress.
- Parameters
address – Address in the format of “01:02:03:AB:CD:EF”
>>> DeviceAddressFilter("01:02:03:AB:CD:EF") DeviceAddressFilter(address='01:02:03:AB:CD:EF')
- class able.filters.DeviceNameFilter(name: str)[source]#
Set filter on device name. Uses Java method ScanFilter.Builder.setDeviceName.
- Parameters
name – Device name
- class able.filters.ManufacturerDataFilter(id: int, data: typing.Union[list, tuple, bytes, bytearray], mask: typing.List[int] = <factory>)[source]#
Set filter on manufacture data. Uses Java method ScanFilter.Builder.setManufacturerData.
- Parameters
id – Manufacturer ID
data – Manufacturer specific data
mask – bit mask for partial filtration of the data. For any bit in the mask, set it to 1 if it needs to match the one in manufacturer data, otherwise set it to 0 to ignore that bit.
>>> # Filter by just ID, ignoring the data: >>> ManufacturerDataFilter(0x0AD0, []) ManufacturerDataFilter(id=2768, data=[], mask=None)
>>> ManufacturerDataFilter(0x0AD0, [0x2, 0x15, 0x8d]) ManufacturerDataFilter(id=2768, data=[2, 21, 141], mask=None)
>>> # With mask set to ignore the second data byte: >>> ManufacturerDataFilter(0x0AD0, [0x2, 0, 0x8d], [0xff, 0, 0xff]) ManufacturerDataFilter(id=2768, data=[2, 0, 141], mask=[255, 0, 255])
>>> ManufacturerDataFilter(0x0AD0, [0x2, 21, 0x8d], [0xff]) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: mask is shorter than the data
- class able.filters.ServiceDataFilter(uid: str, data: typing.Union[list, tuple, bytes, bytearray], mask: typing.List[int] = <factory>)[source]#
Set filter on service data. Uses Java method ScanFilter.Builder.setServiceData.
- Parameters
uid – UUID of the service in the format of “0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb”
data – service data
mask – bit mask for partial filtration of the data. For any bit in the mask, set it to 1 if it needs to match the one in service data, otherwise set it to 0 to ignore that bit.
>>> ServiceDataFilter("0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", []) ServiceDataFilter(uid='0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', data=[], mask=None)
>>> # With mask set to ignore the first data byte: >>> ServiceDataFilter("0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", [0, 0x11], [0, 0xff]) ServiceDataFilter(uid='0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb', data=[0, 17], mask=[0, 255])
>>> ServiceDataFilter("0000180f", []) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: badly formed hexadecimal UUID string
>>> ServiceDataFilter("0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", [0x12, 0x34], [0xff]) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: mask is shorter than the data
- class able.filters.ServiceSolicitationFilter(uid: str)[source]#
Set filter on service solicitation uuid. Uses Java method ScanFilter.Builder.setServiceSolicitation.
- Parameters
uid – UUID of the service in the format of “0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb”
- class able.filters.ServiceUUIDFilter(uid: str, mask: Optional[str] = None)[source]#
Set filter on service uuid. Uses Java method ScanFilter.Builder.setServiceUuid.
- Parameters
uid – UUID of the service in the format of “0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb”
- Mask
bit mask for partial filtration of the UUID, in the format of “ffffffff-0000-0000-0000-ffffffffffff”. Set any bit in the mask to 1 to indicate a match is needed for the bit in uid, and 0 to ignore that bit.
>>> ServiceUUIDFilter('16fe0d00-c111-11e3-b8c8-0002a5d5c51b') ServiceUUIDFilter(uid='16fe0d00-c111-11e3-b8c8-0002a5d5c51b', mask=None)
>>> ServiceUUIDFilter( ... '16fe0d00-c111-11e3-b8c8-0002a5d5c51b', ... 'ffffffff-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' ... ) ServiceUUIDFilter(uid='16fe0d00-...', mask='ffffffff-...')
>>> ServiceUUIDFilter('123') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: badly formed hexadecimal UUID string
BLE advertise operations.
- class able.advertising.Advertiser(ble: able.android.dispatcher.BluetoothDispatcher, data: Optional[able.advertising.AdvertiseData] = None, scan_data: Optional[able.advertising.AdvertiseData] = None, interval: int = Interval.HIGH, tx_power: int = TXPower.MEDIUM)[source]#
Base class for BLE advertise operations.
- Parameters
ble – BLE interface instance
data – Advertisement data to be broadcasted
scan_data – Scan response associated with the advertisement data
interval – Advertising interval https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/AdvertisingSetParameters.Builder#setInterval(int)
tx_power – Transmission power level https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/AdvertisingSetParameters.Builder#setTxPowerLevel(int)
>>> Advertiser( ... ble=BluetoothDispatcher(), ... data=AdvertiseData(DeviceName()), ... scan_data=AdvertiseData(TXPowerLevel()), ... interval=Interval.MIN, ... tx_power=TXPower.MAX ... ) <able.advertising.Advertiser object at 0x...>
- property data#
- Setter
Update advertising data
- Type
- property scan_data#
- Setter
Update the scan response
- Type
- property interval#
- Setter
Update the advertising interval
- Type
- property tx_power#
- Setter
Update the transmission power level
- Type
- start()[source]#
Start advertising.
Start a system activity that allows the user to turn on Bluetooth if Bluetooth is not enabled.
- on_advertising_started(advertising_set: jnius.autoclass('android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSet'), tx_power: int, status: able.advertising.Status)[source]#
Handler for advertising start operation (onAdvertisingSetStarted).
- on_advertising_stopped(advertising_set: jnius.autoclass('android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSet'))[source]#
Handler for advertising stop operation (onAdvertisingSetStopped).
- on_advertising_enabled(advertising_set: jnius.autoclass('android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSet'), enable: bool, status: able.advertising.Status)[source]#
Handler for advertising enable/disable operation (onAdvertisingEnabled).
- on_advertising_data_set(advertising_set: jnius.autoclass('android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSet'), status: able.advertising.Status)[source]#
Handler for data set operation (onAdvertisingDataSet).
- on_scan_response_data_set(advertising_set: jnius.autoclass('android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSet'), status: able.advertising.Status)[source]#
Handler for scan response data set operation (onScanResponseDataSet).
- on_advertising_parameters_updated(advertising_set: jnius.autoclass('android.bluetooth.le.AdvertisingSet'), tx_power: int, status: able.advertising.Status)[source]#
Handler for parameters set operation (onAdvertisingParametersUpdated).
- class able.advertising.AdvertiseData(*payload: List[able.advertising.ADStructure])[source]#
Builder for data payload to be advertised.
- Parameters
payload – List of AD structures to include in advertisement
>>> AdvertiseData(DeviceName(), ManufacturerData(10, b'specific data')) [DeviceName(), ManufacturerData(id=10, data=b'specific data')]
- class able.advertising.DeviceName[source]#
Include device name (complete local name) in advertise packet.
- class able.advertising.TXPowerLevel[source]#
Include transmission power level in the advertise packet.
- class able.advertising.ServiceUUID(uid: str)[source]#
Service UUID to advertise.
- Parameters
uid – UUID to be advertised
- class able.advertising.Interval(value)[source]#
Advertising interval constants. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/AdvertisingSetParameters#INTERVAL_HIGH
- MIN = 160#
Minimum value for advertising interval, around every 100ms
- MEDIUM = 400#
Advertise on medium frequency, around every 250ms
- HIGH = 1600#
Advertise on low frequency, around every 1000ms
- MAX = 16777215#
Maximum value for advertising interval
- class able.advertising.TXPower(value)[source]#
Advertising transmission (TX) power level constants. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/AdvertisingSetParameters#TX_POWER_HIGH
- MIN = -127#
Minimum value for TX power
- ULTRA_LOW = -21#
Advertise using the lowest TX power level
- LOW = -15#
Advertise using the low TX power level
- MEDIUM = -7#
Advertise using the medium TX power level
- MAX = 1#
Maximum value for TX power